map list
The remainder of the table to the left is destroyed. For the full table and a reconstruction of the missing part of Britannia see

The table was owned by the German antiquarian, diplomat, politician, and economist Konrad Peutinger, 1465–1547. It is now in the National Library, Vienna.

The names (from south to north) on the remaining part of Britannia are:
Isca Dumnoniorum = Exeter
Ridumo = Moridunum
Lemavio = Portus Lemanis (Lympne)
Duroaverus = Durovernum (Canterbury)
Dubris = Portus Dubris (Dover)
Ratupis = Rutupiae (Richborough)
Durolevo = Durolevum Roribis = Durobrivae (Rochester)
Madus = Noviomagus (Crayford)
Baromaci = Caesaromagus (Chelmsford)
Caunonio = Canonium (Kelvedon)
Camuloduno = Camulodunum (Colchester)
Ad Ansum = Ad Ansum
Convetoni = Combretovium (Coddenham)
Sinomagi = Sitomagus
Ad ta um = Venta Icinorum (Caistor St Edmund)