Britanniaa journal dealing with Roman Britain first published in 1970, includes an appendix of new inscriptions
 Ephemeris Epigraphicaa periodical of inscriptions giving examples not yet in either RIB or CIL.
 Ordnance Survey Map of Roman Britain - third editionOS 1956
 Ordnance Survey Map of Southern Britain in the Iron AgeOS 1967
 The Antonine Itinerarylists stopping places on roads throughout the Empire. Probably third century CE but using some older information. It gives mileage between posts and total distances.
 The Corpus Inscriptionarum Latinarum (CIL)an international corpus of Latin inscriptions with material from the continent and inscriptions on stone found since 1954.
 The Journal of Roman Studiesa periodical published until 1969 which included an appendix of inscriptions discovered in Britain.
 The Maritime Itineraryappendix to Antonine Itinery dealing with coastal journeys (periplus). It lists islands in the "Ocean which flows between Gaul and the Britains".
 The Notitia Dignitatumtam ciuilis quam militarisan early fifth-century list of civil and military offices and their locations in both halves of the Empire.
 The Ravenna Cosmographyby an anonymous cleric of Ravenna c 700 CE using much earlier materials. Although corrupt and difficult to interpret it contains more information about Britain than any other source.
 The Roman Inscriptions of Britain (RIB)an on-going series cataloguing all epigraphic material from Roman Britain.
 The Peutinger Tablea pictorial road atlas probably third-century, although related to the Antonine Itinerary it is not derived from it. The surviving copy is of Carolingian date. Most of the map of Britain is lost.
 VindolandaThe Vindolanda writing tablets.