367 CE Picts, Scots and Attacotti attack Britannia

369 CE Theodosius restores order

390 CE Magnus Maximus killed in Gaul

399 CE Stilicho restores order

401 CE Stilicho withdraws troops to defend Italy

407 CE Constantine III (usurper) denudes Britain of troops to defend Gaul

410 CE Honorivs gives military responsibility to the civil powers in Britain

425 CE Vortigern (high king) leads Britons

430 CE Vortigern grants Thanet to Saxons in return for military assistance

435 CE Saxon federates settled around London, Oxford and the Humber and the Wash estuaries

440 CE Vortigern moves Cunedda from Manu Goddodin to found the dynasty of Gwynedd

442 CE Saxon mercenaries rebel

446 CE Appeal to Aetius for help goes unanswered

460 CE Migration of western Britons to Armorica (Brittany) begins

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