ABRINCENSIS (Avranches - Manche)Doubtless created in the fourth century.
ADURENSIS (Aire-sur-l'Adour - Landes)Attested at the beginning of the sixth century.
AGATHENSIS (Agde - Hérault)Created during the second half of the fifth century.
AGENNENSIS (Agen - Lot-et-Garonne)Probably established since 357.
ALBIENSIS (Albi - Tarn)Probably existing in the fourth century. Archbishopric in 1676.
ALETENSIS (Saint-Servan - Ille-et-Vilaine)Established in sixth century, transferred about 1160 to the present site St Malo.
AMBIANENSIS (Amiens - Somme)Established since the end of the third century.
ANDEGAVENSIS (Angers - Maine-et-Loire)Created at the middle of the fourth century.
ANICIENSIS (Le Puy - Haute-Loire)Created at Saint-Paulien, transferred to Puy in the fifth century.
ANTIPOLITANENSIS (Antibes - Alpes-Maritimes)Attested since the middle of the fifth century, disestablished and transferred in 1244, to Grasse.
APPAMIARUM (Pamiers - Ariège)Created on the 23 July 1295 by the division of the diocese of Toulouse.
APTENSIS (Apt - Vaucluse)Established since the fourth century.
AQUENSIS (Aix-en-Provence - Bouches-du-Rhône)Created in the third century, Archbishopric in 794.