Fines Atrebatum and Vicus Helena are not securely located. A position on the Arras to Therouanne road on the boundary to the Morini is possible for Fines Atrebatum.
Famars is Fanum Martis in the country of the Nervi
Etrun (ger stroom), the oppidum of the Atrebates, is possibly the Nemetocenna where J Caesar wintered in 51/50 BCE.
Minariacum, from the Antonine Itinerary is Estaires (ger steger "mooring place" "jetty") on the Lys
Teucera or Tevara, mentioned in the Peutinger Table, is Thièvres from a Gaulish river name tav|ara (the tranquille).
Dourges, Seclan and Labuissière are sites revealed by archaeology